I don't ride outside; from November to April I'm solely using my computrainer. I made an exception last week to test out my knew QR Illicito, which was awesome! I wore more clothes than I could wash in a single load. It was really good that I got out there though - I'm in a much different position on this bike and it will take some getting used to. I'll get a couple rides in Texas before the race, and the course is not technically challenging so I'm not too concerned. I know that my base from the last few years will carry through, but my power numbers are down from this time last year and I am way behind on the longer endurance rides. Just get me to the run!
The run is where I've focused the last few months. Two weeks ago I time trialed a 5K on the track (17:14) which was 5" off my PR. I wanted to get under 17' but with the wind, time of year and the fact that I was doing 5K specific speed work when I went 17:09, I am generally pleased with the effort. I was happy with the splitting as well (5:32-5:29-5:34-38). I was much more pleased with the 20 x 400 @ 2:00 that I did last Thursday. This is a workout that I've done mid-March the last two years. In 2012 I averaged 80.20 and in 2013 I averaged 78.88. This year I started out at 75.4, my slowest was on #4 (75.9), the last 5 were my fastest 5, and I averaged 74.27. I'm not sure if this workout was that much better than the 5K, but it was a whole lot more satisfying. I was able to see my improvement from year-to-year (my 5K PR was from July of 2007), and see the massive leap I'd made on the run over the past year.
I have many goals for this race season - some are loftier than others:
- The biggest goal for this race season is to gain experience in the Pro Field and learn how to race frequently and recover properly in between. If at bare minimum, I am able to complete my entire race schedule (2 Olympics, 5 Halves, 4 Full IM) and stay healthy, I will consider the season a success.
- My PR stand-alone half marathon is 1:18:47 - I would like to run faster than that off the bike in at least one of my halves this year.
- I would like to get under 3 hrs for the Marathon in at least 2 of the IM races
- In years past, my swim has been strongest in the Spring and I've held onto that fitness (to greater or lesser success) through race season. This year, I want to be swimming my strongest in the late race season.
- I am looking to build strength at race intensity on the bike this season. As a result I am looking to see a modest volume jump, mostly in an increase of 3-5 hour rides with intervals at 70.3 and IM intensity.