Saturday, March 29, 2014

If Winter Won't Leave, I'll leave Winter...

This was an awful winter and it just shows no signs of letting up.  I hate the cold...I'm a huge baby when it comes to going outside in winter.  For better or worse I signed up for an early season 70.3 in Galvaston, TX on April 6th.  This will be a month earlier than I've ever raced and two months earlier than I've ever raced a 70.3.  I'm excited about the challenge, and very excited for the warm weather, but a little tentative about what kind of form I'm in, heading into this race.  I know while I may not be pushing the pace, my swim will be fine, and my run has been progressing better than I could have hoped.  It's the bike that concerns me - always been my weakest; I'm also on a new bike, in a new position and that's where my training's taken the biggest hit this winter.

I don't ride outside; from November to April I'm solely using my computrainer.  I made an exception last week to test out my knew QR Illicito, which was awesome!  I wore more clothes than I could wash in a single load.  It was really good that I got out there though - I'm in a much different position on this bike and it will take some getting used to.  I'll get a couple rides in Texas before the race, and the course is not technically challenging so I'm not too concerned.  I know that my base from the last few years will carry through, but my power numbers are down from this time last year and I am way behind on the longer endurance rides.  Just get me to the run!

The run is where I've focused the last few months.  Two weeks ago I time trialed a 5K on the track (17:14) which was 5" off my PR.  I wanted to get under 17' but with the wind, time of year and the fact that I was doing 5K specific speed work when I went 17:09, I am generally pleased with the effort.  I was happy with the splitting as well (5:32-5:29-5:34-38).  I was much more pleased with the 20 x 400 @ 2:00 that I did last Thursday.  This is a workout that I've done mid-March the last two years.  In 2012 I averaged 80.20 and in 2013 I averaged 78.88.  This year I started out at 75.4, my slowest was on #4 (75.9), the last 5 were my fastest 5, and I averaged 74.27.  I'm not sure if this workout was that much better than the 5K, but it was a whole lot more satisfying.  I was able to see my improvement from year-to-year (my 5K PR was from July of 2007), and see the massive leap I'd made on the run over the past year. 

I have many goals for this race season - some are loftier than others:
  1. The biggest goal for this race season is to gain experience in the Pro Field and learn how to race frequently and recover properly in between.  If at bare minimum, I am able to complete my entire race schedule (2 Olympics, 5 Halves, 4 Full IM) and stay healthy, I will consider the season a success.
  2. My PR stand-alone half marathon is 1:18:47 - I would like to run faster than that off the bike in at least one of my halves this year. 
  3. I would like to get under 3 hrs for the Marathon in at least 2 of the IM races
  4. In years past, my swim has been strongest in the Spring and I've held onto that fitness (to greater or lesser success) through race season.   This year, I want to be swimming my strongest in the late race season.
  5. I am looking to build strength at race intensity on the bike this season.  As a result I am looking to see a modest volume jump, mostly in an increase of 3-5 hour rides with intervals at 70.3 and IM intensity.
Looking forward to getting this party started down in Texas next week!  Can't wait to see what my starting form is this year and get some extended time in the saddle on the QR Illicito!

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